Springtime Propane Safety Tips for Pennsylvania Homeowners
admin April 18, 2022
Propane is one of the safest sources of energy for homeowners, and with it being widely used during the spring thanks in no small part to its versatility, we know it’s important that our customers understand how to maintain propane’s streak of safety! Check out some springtime propane safety tips, and share them with your friends and neighbors who use propane. Know how to shut off the propane supply both at the main tank and at each propane appliance. If you’re unsure how to do this, please contact us so that we may assist you! Familiarize yourself and anyone else in your home with the smell of propane, which is similar to that of a rotten egg odor or skunk spray, in order to better detect propane leaks. Follow the tips below on what to do if you detect a propane leak! Never store propane cylinders in an enclosed area, such as a basement, garage or shed. Store them outdoors, and always in an upright position. Install carbon monoxide (CO) detectors on every level in your home, paying particular attention to bedrooms. Maintain them according to manufacturer’s instructions. If severe weather is in the forecast, make sure you have enough propane in your tank for at least a week after the weather is supposed to let up. If you have a propane-fueled backup generator, be sure to have it serviced at least once a year. Take the time to also review these steps with your family and develop a plan of action in case of a propane leak: Extinguish all smoking materials and any other open flames or sources of ignition. Everyone should vacate the area. Move away without using any electrical switches, appliances, thermostats or telephones Close the gas shutoff valve on the propane tank, if safe to do so Call Harris Comfort and/or your local fire department from a mobile phone or a neighbor’s telephone after you have left the area Do not re-enter the area until a qualified Harris Comfort technician or first responder says it is clear Be sure to have a Harris Comfort technician come and inspect your equipment, to ensure another leak won’t occur when the propane is turned back on If you’re a homeowner who relies on propane to fuel their home, we hope you find these tips helpful! And don’t forget to keep your propane-fueled springtime plans in motion by signing up for automatic propane deliveries! Contact us online or call to enroll today....
Be the Cool House on the Block with an AC Tune-Up
admin March 19, 2021
Things seem to be warming up, that means it’s just a matter of time before cooling equipment starts seeing a lot of usage again. Is your air conditioning system ready for its time to shine? You don’t have to go into the spring and summer unsure about the condition of your AC, instead you can rely on regular maintenance from Harris Comfort to set your mind at east!...
Safety Tips for Your Standby Generator
admin March 11, 2021
You’ve made the right decision to protect your home and comfort with an emergency backup generator installed by Harris Comfort! Now, your lights will stay on and your family will stay safe during a power outage – but you can help maintain peace of mind in your home with some great safety tips for your emergency generator!...