Your perfect match is reliable, possesses many talents, cares about the environment, and isn’t high maintenance. Seems like you’re asking for a lot, right? While you may not able to find a person who fits that description so easily, you can find a fuel that does: propane! Let’s take a look at propane’s profile:
If you’re looking for reliability, I’m your fuel. When the power goes out, I keep working. Just keep my tank filled and maintained and you won’t wake up freezing in the middle of a frigid winter night.
I’m versatile, too. Not only do I take care of the big stuff – I heat your home and water – I’ll also run your swimming pool in the summer and your gas fireplace in the winter. From dryers to stoves and ovens, you can use me for virtually any household appliance.
The environment matters to me. I don’t contaminate soil and I burn more cleanly than any other fossil fuel. The Clean Air Act (1990) and Energy Policy Act (1992) listed me as clean.
I won’t break the bank. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy says you can save up to 30 percent each year by heating your water with me instead of electric.
What do you say?
If you’re ready to swipe right on propane, contact Harris Comfort today!