Give Your Heating System The Gift Of UltraGuard™

admin  -   10:20 am  -   December 19th, 2016

If you’re one of those people who think that all heating oil is the same, here’s a little news flash: it’s NOT! You may not be able to tell just by looking at it, but if your tank could talk, it would be singing the praises of the heating oil you get from Harris Comfort.

harristruck1.jpgHere’s the reason your tank would be tuneful: when you get your heating oil from Harris Comfort you can be sure that the fuel you get is not just clean and efficient, but also beneficial for your heating equipment. Oilheat is already a safe, economical and clean fuel that produces few emissions. We make it even better by infusing ours with UltraGuard™ fuel additive. 

UltraGuard™ contains stabilizers, organic dispersants, detergents, a corrosion inhibitor and other agents that work in tandem to break down the sludge that can build up in your oil tank. It helps keep your heating system's filter, strainer and nozzle clean and free of blockages, which helps ensure continuous, uninterrupted oil flow and a cleaner burn that will heat your home more quickly and efficiently. It also extends the life of your equipment and ensures optimum heating system performance.

Every drop of heating oil we deliver is pre-blended with UltraGuard™. There are no additional fees and you don’t have to sign up for a special program … you simply get it, just for being a valued customer. All you have to do is turn on your heating system and enjoy enhanced comfort, improved indoor air quality and lower fuel costs. That's right, UltraGuard™ lowers your energy expenses because it makes your heating equipment more efficient. And that means your system won’t burn as much fuel (and you won’t have to buy as much) to heat your home. So not only will your heating system thank UltraGuard™, you will too! 

It’s a gift for your heating system that will pay dividends long after the holidays have passed. And it’s just another example of how Harris Comfort remains committed to providing customers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey with the highest-quality products and services. 

Contact us and start experiencing the benefits of Harris Comfort today.