All Heating Fuel Is Not The Same!

admin  -   01:30 pm  -   December 20th, 2024

When we say we deliver high-quality fuels, we mean it. It might seem that all heating oil or propane is the same, but that’s a myth.

Has your car ever ridden differently after you bought gas from a discount service station? Your heating system could run less efficiently if you buy heating oil or propane from a discount retailer.

We purchase our premium heating oil and propane from reliable wholesalers. This ensures that the fuel we deliver to our customers throughout Bucks County has been produced and transported according to federal and industry best practices. It is cleaner and less likely to clog your heating system.

We then treat our oil with UltraGuard™ fuel additive. UltraGuard™ contains stabilizers, organic dispersants, a corrosion inhibitor and a metal demulsifier, which work in concert to break down any sludge that's built up in your oil tank, while keeping your heating system's filter, strainer and nozzle clean and free of blockage. This ensures a continuous, uninterrupted oil flow and a cleaner burn that heats your home more quickly and efficiently. It also extends the life of your heating equipment and ensures optimum heating system performance.

Another benefit of choosing Harris Comfort for your heating fuel is our ProGuard Oil Tank Cleanup and Replacement Program. We know that no matter how superior our fuels are, there could be internal weakening of your fuel tanks. With ProGuard, you get up to $50,000 in clean-up costs if your aboveground storage tank fails, and up to $100,000 for a release from an underground tank. ProGuard will even help you cover the cost for tank repair or replacement.

All fuel is not the same, and all fuel dealers aren’t, either. Learn more about Harris Comfort’s fuels and services, and then contact us to become a customer.