The Benefits Of Propane

admin  -   11:59 am  -   June 18th, 2015

Harris Comfort is Pennsylvania’s go-to propane provider. The versatility of propane makes it useful year-round, from fueling propane-fired fireplaces and room heaters to extending your summer with your gas grill and heated pool. In addition to its many uses, propane offers many benefits including: 
  • Competitive pricing: Heating with propane costs far less than heating with electricity. In 2010, the average cost of propane was almost $10 less per million BTU than electricity. 
  • Dependable fuel: Propane is stored in a tank on your property and will work during power outages, even when other energy sources won’t.  
  • Peace of mind: Propane is strictly regulated and won't ignite when combined with air unless the source of ignition reaches 940°F. 
  • Green energy: Propane is an approved alternative fuel listed in both the Clean Air Act of 1990 and the National Energy Policy Act of 1992. It is also nontoxic and insoluble in water.