Today’s underground and aboveground oil tanks are designed to be long-lasting, safe storage solutions for your home heating oil. Over time, however, corrosion can damage even the most well-fortified of tanks and cause oil leaks which can cost tens of thousands of dollars to remedy. But with ProGuard protection for your oil tank, you’ll get the cleanup protection that could save you from such a steep cost in the event of an accident. That’s right – you can save tens of thousands of dollars for as little as $40 a year!
ProGuard oil tank insurance from Harris Comfort is available for both underground fuel oil tanks and aboveground fuel oil tanks, and includes the following features:
Aboveground Oil Tanks
- Up to $50,000 for cleanup costs resulting from a fuel oil tank release
- A sublimit of up to $15,000 for third-party cleanup costs (below groundwater or on a neighboring property)
- Up to $1,500 to repair or replace your fuel oil tank
- Pro-active tank replacement
- Affordable deductible of $500 per release
- Protection for both your tank and the associated tank lines
- 100% transferable if you sell your home
- Only $40 per year with automatic fuel oil delivery
- ProGuard aboveground fuel oil tank protection is available for FREE to customers on our Ultimate Service Plan.
Underground Fuel Oil Tanks
- Up to $100,000 in cleanup protection resulting from a fuel oil tank release
- A sublimit of up to $25,000 for third-party cleanup costs (below groundwater or on a neighboring property)
- Up to $1,400 to repair or replace your fuel oil tank
- An affordable deductible of $1,000 per release
- Protection for both your tank and the associated tank lines
- Voluntary pull of tank allowed after one year
- Discounts on fuel oil tank testing
- 100% transferability if you sell your home
- Annual cost is $322 without voluntary option to pull tank after one year
- Annual cost is $447 with voluntary option to pull tank after one year
- A $40 Credit for ProGuard underground fuel oil tank protection is available to customers on our Ultimate Service Plan.
The financial protection afforded by ProGuard pays for itself multiple times over. Even if you never need it, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that a tank release won’t rob your finances of thousands of hard-earned dollars – dollars that could be much better spent toward more meaningful investments.
Contact Harris Comfort to find out more about ProGuard fuel oil tank protection. If you would like enroll online, login to our account management system and visit the Services tab.