Harris Comfort Delivers Premium Heating Fuels

Homeowners in Pennsylvania and New Jersey who want the highest quality heating fuels delivered promptly at a fair and competitive price choose Harris Comfort. We offer both heating oil and propane, as well as will call and automatic delivery, so you have several options when it comes to Harris Comfort’s fuels.

With automatic delivery, you never have to monitor your fuel level or contact us to schedule a delivery. Instead, we determine your delivery schedule based on a Weather Controlled Degree Day System. This helps ensure your tank never runs empty, so you always have a reliable supply of fuel, as well as a warm and cozy home.

With will call delivery, you monitor your tank and call or go online to schedule a delivery before you need a fill-up. We suggest that you place your order a few days in advance of your tank running out, in order to help ensure that you don’t have to go without fuel.


The Oilheat delivered by Harris Comfort is a low-sulfur heating oil blend that meets the state specifications of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This fuel contains no more than 500 parts-per-million (ppm) sulfur, a drastic reduction from conventional blends that contained as much as 2,000 ppm. This reduction helps keep your heating system running cleanly and efficiently for a longer time and lowers the amount of emissions produced by your boiler or furnace. We also treat our low-sulfur heating oil with the UltraGuard™ fuel additive to make it even cleaner and safer. For more information on Oilheat’s advantages, follow the link below.

Click here to learn more about Harris Comfort Oilheat


Clean, versatile and dependable: these words don’t just describe propane; they also describe the propane professionals at Harris Comfort. Our team of certified experts can help you become another one of the sixty-million-plus Americans who use propane for a wide range of residential applications, from heating homes to powering generators. Follow the link below to find out more about how you too can enjoy “comfort year round” with propane from Harris Comfort.

Click here to learn more about Harris Comfort Propane
