
Air Conditioning Tune-Ups for Humidity Control

- 4:59 pm - May 24th, 2021

Pennsylvania homeowners know all too well that the heat isn’t the only thing causing discomfort during the summer – humidity plays a big role in that as well! In fact, one of the most important functions of an air conditioning system, other than keeping the home cool, is proper humidity control.

However, if an air conditioning system isn’t up to date on all of its maintenance, it could fail to provide that crucial function!

This can be detrimental to your summer comfort because improperly balanced moisture within the home can cause…

  • The growth of mold that can cause respiratory irritation, asthma attacks and other illnesses

  • Damage to wooden floors, furniture, and the structure of a home

  • Keeping the body from cooling off naturally, causing you to turn up the AC and increasing utility bills

  • Infestation of bugs and critters that thrive in humid conditions

  • Damage to expensive electronic devices such as cellphones, computers and televisions

In addition to keeping the home comfortable with balanced humidity, a well-maintained air conditioning system will:

  • Run more efficiently, saving homeowners on their utility costs

  • Be less likely to break down unexpectedly

  • Reduce the need for intermittent repairs and keep the associated costs low

  • Improve the overall air quality inside the home

Summer’s coming – are you ready? Make sure your air conditioning system is! Call or contact us online to schedule your air conditioning system tune-upDon’t forget to ask about our Special offer on a 14-point Central Air Clean & Check, which expires on June 30, 2021!