How To Reduce Dust Coming Out Of Your HVAC Air Vents

admin  -   09:57 am  -   May 14th, 2024

Dust blowing out of your air vents can be a nuisance and a potential health hazard. The experts here at Harris Comfort have some tips on how to reduce dust in your HVAC system and improve your home's indoor air quality.


  • Change your air filter: This is the most important step – a clogged air filter can’t trap dust and other allergens, allowing them to circulate throughout your home. It can also increase your energy bills due to reduced airflow. We recommend changing your air filter monthly during the cooling season, and even more frequently if you have pets.
  • Clean your air vents: Dust can accumulate on vent registers, so wipe them down with a damp cloth or vacuum them with a brush attachment regularly.
  • Consider upgrading your air filter: High quality air filters can trap even the tiniest of particles, such as dust, dirt, and other debris. Contact us and we’ll recommend the filter that’s best for your needs and system.
  • Vacuum regularly: Vacuuming frequently, especially carpets, rugs, and other areas where dust tends to accumulate, can help remove dust from your home before it gets sucked back into your HVAC system.

These are just a few do-it-yourself tips so you can reduce dust coming out of your HVAC air vents and improve the air quality in your home. In addition to these tips, regular maintenance of your HVAC system is also important for keeping those dust bunnies to a minimum, and Harris Comfort can help with that! We offer comprehensive duct cleaning services, home comfort system repairs, installations, and advice to keep your Bucks County home comfortable year-round. Contact us to schedule your duct cleaning today!