Do you need a heating oil provider for this winter? If so, choose Harris Comfort; we are the leading home comfort service provider for Bucks County and have been providing unmatched value and expertise to the area since 1956. We supply Oilheat fuel for your home heating systems. Oilheat is a low-sulfur heating oil blend that is better for the environment and your heating equipment than traditional heating oil.
The Numerous Benefits of Oilheat from Harris Comfort
- Oilheat is clean: The heating oil used today is 95% cleaner than fuels used in 1970, and the fuels being used and developed today are approaching near-zero emission levels. Low-sulfur heating oils and Bioheat® fuels are contributing to a sustainable, cleaner future.
- Oilheat is more efficient: According to the U.S. Department of Energy, on average, heating oil is 16% more efficient than gas.
- Oilheat provides greater comfort while using less fuel: Oilheat produces a hotter flame than other heating oils, so when you choose Oilheat from Harris Comfort, your home is heated faster while burning less fuel.
- Oilheat is safe: Oilheat does not pose a health hazard to you, your family, or your property.
- Oilheat is affordable: When you choose Harris Comfort for your Oilheat. You can use our budget plan to remove the mystery from your energy costs and provide you with flexible payment options.
- Oilheat can extend the lifespan of your heating equipment: Harris Comfort’s Oilheat is treated with Ultraguard™ at no additional cost. This additive prevents sludge formation, which allows your equipment to burn fuel more quickly and efficiently to ensure optimum heating system performance.
This winter, order Oilheat from Harris Comfort to help protect the environment and prolong the lifespan of your heating equipment. If you have any questions about Oilheat, Harris Comfort fuel delivery, or are interested in becoming a customer, contact us today!