Smart Tips For Emergency Generator Safety

admin  -   09:19 am  -   August 10th, 2018

You made the right call and protected your home and home comfort with a professionally installed emergency backup generator. But are you sure you know all there is to know when it comes to running your generator safely? As always, it’s best to know as much as possible before any emergencies arise.

Here are some tips from your friends at Harris Comfort to make sure your generator is ready when you need it to be:

  • Schedule Annual Inspections: Call Harris Comfort and ask about having our expert technicians check up on your standby generator and venting systems annually.
  • Know Your Generator: Read your user manual and follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions.
  • Know Your Home: Know the location of your circuit breakers or fuses. Also, be aware of the layout of your gas lines, especially if you’re doing any type of landscaping or renovations.
  • Protect Your Appliances: Certain voltage-sensitive electronic devices (T.V.s and computers, for example) should not be powered by an emergency generator unless protected with a UL-listed surge protector.
  • Beware of Propane Leaks: Propane leaks can smell like rotten eggs. Make sure your family is aware of and can recognize the distinct smell. If you smell a leak, leave the house and contact Harris Comfort or your local fire department immediately. As you leave your house, do not touch any electrical outlets or light switches.
  • Consider a Propane Detector: In some instances, you may not smell a propane leak. Consider installing propane gas detectors. These life-saving monitors are available at your local hardware store and give your family an additional layer of security. Propane detectors are especially important if there are areas in your home where the smell of propane might not be easily detected. Even if you install propane detectors, make sure to have a qualified Harris technician inspect your propane system periodically.
  • Know CO: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and toxic gas. Its dangers have been well documented. We recommend installing CO detectors on each level of your home. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding installation, location and maintenance. These devices will alert you and your family members if the CO in your home reaches dangerous levels.

If you’re in the market for a new standby generator, we’re currently offering a limited time special on Generac emergency generators! Contact us to learn more.