Breathe Fresh Air This Heating Season With Harris Comfort
admin August 10, 2015
We may not want to accept it, but summer is beginning to wind down. Soon, you’ll be getting ready to start up your heating system in preparation for the colder weather. With more time being spent indoors during the chillier months, you want to be sure that the indoor air you’re breathing is fresh and clean, and clean air starts with clean ducts. Over time, the ducts that circulate the conditioned air through your home can become clogged with dust, mold and pet hair. Rodents and insects can even build nests and decide your air ducts are now their new home, rent free we might add! Then, the heated air that passes through the ducts to heat your home lifts these contaminants and suddenly, you’re breathing in unclean air. This can pose a health risk to you and your family, and can especially complicate things for allergy and asthma sufferers. Evict your home’s unwanted visitors with duct cleaning services from Harris Comfort....
Fill Up Your Heating Oil Tank To Avoid Sludge
admin June 18, 2015
After a long winter, the weather is finally warm enough to turn off your heating system, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to forget about your heating tank! Even though the snow and cold are out of sight and out of mind, it’s important that Pennsylvania homeowners make sure their fuel oil tanks are completely filled. Leaving a fuel oil tank only partially full may subject you to major problems come winter. Empty space in your tank can lead to sludge, which can be very costly to remove. Sludge forms due to condensation, which occurs when air fills the empty space in your tank. The sludge will taint your fuel and tank and force you into an expensive tank filtration. In addition to avoiding tank sludge, your house may still need fuel oil for appliances that run on it even when your heating system is turned off. For example, you may have an oil-fueled hot water heater, pool heater, or generator, all of which need a steady supply of heating oil. Contact us today for to fill up your tank for the summer....
Harris Comfort is your Air Conditioning Specialist
admin June 18, 2015
Does your air conditioning system need a tune-up? Could you save hundreds on your electricity bills this cooling season money by installing a new air conditioner? In either case, Harris Comfort is here to help! If your air conditioning system is 10+ years old, it may be costing you up to 50% more than a newer model. At Harris, we only sell and install the best, most energy- efficient central air conditioners from well-known brands. These top-of-the-line systems will do more than just cool; they will also help with ventilation and indoor air quality. If you have recently installed a new air conditioning system, don’t forget that an annual tune-up will keep it running at peak efficiency! During the tune-up, we will adjust, inspect, clean, lubricate and calibrate your system to prepare it for heavy summertime usage. Remember that signing up for one of our Comfort Service Plans entitles you to a free tune-up as well as emergency air conditioning service. Contact us today for more information about our comprehensive set of air conditioning services....