So You Don’t Think You Need a Generator?
admin August 14, 2017
Harris Comfort is proud to offer the latest state-of-the-art products from Generac, the #1 manufacturer of home backup generators — in a variety of power capacities to meet any family’s need. When you purchase a generator from Harris Comfort, you’ll get much more than just a generator; you’ll also get an expert installation!...
Harris Comfort, Keeping You Cool All Summer
admin July 26, 2017
Now that we’re further into the summer, has your air conditioner been keeping up as well as you had expected? If it’s been a while since your A/C has had a tune-up, it’s possible that there are problems hiding deep within your air conditioning system that are causing your home comfort needs to go unfulfilled....
A Bigger AC Isn’t Always a Better AC
admin July 10, 2017
When it comes to air conditioners, the bigger they are, the more energy they could be wasting! An overlooked factor in purchasing an air conditioner is sizing, because a system that is too large for your home may appear to be functioning adequately. Meanwhile, your utility bills may increase unnecessarily due to the extra strain on your home’s electrical panel....