Never Too Late to Schedule Your Heating System Tune-Up!
admin November 12, 2019
If you haven’t had your heating system tuned-up by our expert technicians, what are you waiting for?! The heating season is well underway, and the next Pennsylvania winter is much closer than you might realize! The last thing you want to do is try to turn on your heating system one day only to find it isn’t working as efficiently as it could … or, that it isn’t working at all!...
When it Comes to Comfort Control, Choose Wisely!
admin October 29, 2019
Your Pennsylvania household’s comfort is only as good as the controls you use to adjust it, and when we say ‘control’ we’re talking about thermostats! The thing is, there are a lot of options – from the simplicity behind a programmable thermostat to the innovation of a Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat and the hands-free control offered by learning thermostats, the only way to control your home comfort system is whichever method is right for you!...
Avoid Power Outages
admin October 18, 2019
Sometimes getting into the spirit of the holidays can be fun – like telling ghost stories in the dark around Halloween. But what a terrifying twist it would be if you couldn’t turn those lights back on. It could happen if you aren’t prepared for a blackout!...