
Now is a Good Time to Upgrade Your Heating Equipment!

- 12:00 pm - August 10th, 2018

They say that timing is everything. And when it comes to upgrading your heating equipment, it’s no different! The last thing you want to do during the summer is worry about your heating equipment’s performance when winter rolls around again, but waiting until the winter may put you in a tight spot where scheduling an upgrade becomes a headache!

Now, at the tail end of summer, is a great time to upgrade … and here’s why!

Hassle-free scheduling

By upgrading your heating system now, you can avoid having to wait during the winter while everyone else rushes to do the same. Imagine counting down the days while watching the snow piling up outside your window!

Confidence in your comfort

You’ll know full well that your new heating equipment is ready to take on the worst that winter can throw your way!

Better efficiency

New heating equipment boasts enhanced efficiency, saving homeowners up to 40% on fuel costs

Fewer repairs

With newly installed equipment you won’t have to worry about calling for repairs anytime soon. What’s more, Harris Comfort offers service plans that help with your system’s upkeep and efficiency.

In addition to these benefits of upgrading now, you’ll also have an opportunity to save up to $750 in rebates through the Upgrade & Save –PA Rebate Program. Contact Harris Comfort today to learn more about our selection of modern home heating equipment, and the rebates available to you.