
New Year, New Heating System!

- 4:48 pm - January 7th, 2019

Resolving to enhance the comfort inside your home for this winter and many winters to follow should make keeping your New Year’s resolution a little bit easier! Best of all, the dedicated support of Harris Comfort’s years of experience in the home comfort industry helps maintain that resolution for years!

By installing the latest in home-heating technology, you’ll improve the efficiency with which your home consumes fuel and save in many ways. How does a new home heating system help you? Keep reading to find out!

Better Fuel Consumption

For starters, and possibly the most important reason to upgrade your home heating equipment, is saving money on fuel costs! Over time, old heating equipment consumes more and more fuel, and it happens so slowly that you may not even realize it with each bill you pay. Modern heating equipment boasts efficiency ratings as high as 95%, saving you up to 40% on average annual fuel costs.

Better Comfort Coverage

Relying on heating equipment that’s 12 years old or older could leave you feeling cold spots here and there throughout your home. New heating equipment is able to improve the amount of warmth that fills your home, removing cold spots and providing an even level of comfort!

Better Equipment Life

Older equipment has seen many winters, which means a lot of normal wear and tear. If you’re noticing that your repair costs are adding up to about the same as it would cost to replace the system, that’s a good sign that an upgrade is the right move to make. Not only will the equipment require fewer repairs, but with the proper care and maintenance, it’ll last longer as well.

It’s still early in 2019, so make the resolution to improve your home comfort with the help of Harris Comfort! If you’re interested in upgrading your home heating equipment, call or contact us online today!
