
Harris Comfort Generates Peace of Mind

- 4:52 pm - March 21st, 2018

Peace of mind … it’s the feeling you get with a Generac whole-home backup generator, installed by Harris Comfort. You’ll enjoy peace of mind in knowing you won’t be uncomfortable and fumbling around in the dark the next time a storm comes through and knocks out the power. It’s a year-round answer to an ever-present problem – from flooding in spring to extreme heat in summer, lightning in fall to snowstorms in winter, a whole-home backup generator will keep you safe and comfortable through any weather condition at any time. That’s true peace of mind!

The moment the power is knocked out, your whole-home backup generator will kick into action, enabling you to

  • Stay safe and comfortable
  • Keep the lights on
  • Reduce the risk of food contamination by keeping your fridge and freezer running
  • Stay connected with friends and loved ones
  • Track the storm on the TV, radio or internet

Then, when the power comes back on, your whole-home backup generator will shut off automatically until it’s needed again.

Just because winter is fading in the rearview doesn’t mean Mother Nature doesn’t have another trick up her sleeve … prepare for whatever comes next with Harris Comfort. We’ll help you generate peace of mind with a whole-home backup generator. And, for some extra preparedness, we’re offering a special generator deal until April 22, 2018! If you purchase a Generac automatic home standby generator from Harris Comfort, you’ll receive a free 1200W inverter generator to use as an additional level of protection. Contact us today to find out more about this great offer.