
Cold Weather, Clear Mind

- 9:22 am - January 10th, 2017

The hectic holiday season is behind us, and we’re weeks into a fresh (and cold!) new year. Why not start the year with a clearer mind? We can’t take everything off your plate, of course, but we CAN take away the stress of worrying about your heating oil. Best of all, it’s easier than you think: simply enroll in our convenient automatic fuel delivery program.

With automatic delivery, we monitor your heating oil supply for you -- you’ll never have to check your tank gauge, wait around for a delivery, or worse, have a fuel run-out on a cold winter night. We use a sophisticated tracking system that takes into account "degree days" and your past fuel usage to calculate your expected consumption.Screen Shot 2017-01-10 at 9.23.44 AM.png This lets us deliver your heating oil before you even realize you're running low.

However, more people means more fuel use. If you are already a member of our automatic delivery program, please be sure to let us know if you’ll be hosting guests for an extended period or if this is the year for that epic Super Bowl bash so we can adjust your refueling schedule and keep you and your guests warm through the big game.

All this means that the next time you find yourself in the middle of a cold dark night, you’ll be snugly under the covers instead of scrambling for an emergency refuel. And with all that extra peace of mind, you’re also likely to find that the dreams you have while you’re under those covers will be sweet ones.

Automatic delivery is just one of many benefits you’ll receive from Harris Comfort. Also ask about our Budget Payment Plan and enjoy the additional peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ll have consistent, manageable energy bills all year round. Contact Harris Comfort today and rest easy tonight!