
The Benefits of Heating with Oilheat

- 11:27 am - August 29th, 2022

With the cold weather slowly approaching, homeowners across Pennsylvania are starting to think about how to effectively heat their homes.

Harris Comfort is proud to deliver oilheat, one of the most effective fuels on the market. Heating your home with this reliable fuel comes with a variety of benefits such as:

  • Heating your home faster than any other home heating fuel
  • Being 16 percent more efficient than gas according to the U.S. Department of Energy
  • Providing the comfort you need no matter how cold the weather becomes
  • Reducing the amount of harmful emissions released into the air

We also provide automatic delivery so you never have to worry about checking your fuel supply, running out of heating oil, or manually scheduling your next delivery. Automatic delivery takes care of it all thanks to our Controlled Degree Day System.

For more information on how oilheat can increase your comfort and heating efficiency, or to enroll in our automatic delivery service, give us a call or contact us today.
